Welcome to the brand new store!
Thank you for every one that made this possible! Keep an eye on this blog and social media not to miss any lure drops. Making resin baits takes time , especially glides.So don't expect massive drops, they will be very limited and as usual, fisrt come first serve. So if you are interested in future drop, be sure to subscribe to the mailing list.
Also, i am very exited to bring you lures that you simply do not see in tackle stores (at least here in the EU). It takes me a long time to source and get these blanks as the are mainly for Japanese and U.S markets, sometimes its a miss, and they don't make it to the store, other times i find a really good bait manufacturer and i'm more than happy to bring them to you. These baits are also great if you fish on pressured waters.
Flies are ALWAYS tied by myself, all tied on AHREX hook.
Clothes are print on demand, and as always i always try to pick the most environment friendly options, and the best quality for your hard earn money.
Other things might appear on the store, like forceps, accessories or whatever i find that is original,great quality and that nobody else has!
Thanks again for the support over the last year and the many comings!